mp3 indir dur

Powfu - I Cant Sleep

I Cant Sleep
: I Cant Sleep
: 2.33 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 84 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 59 İndirme
: 08-04-2020
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Powfu - I Cant Sleep )
I Cant Sleep Şarkı Sözü
Hey what's the matter honey?
I don't sleep 'cause when I do
All my dreams are dreams of you
And in yours you say your teeth are falling out
Oh I don't sleep 'cause when I do
All I dream are dreams of you
And in yours you say your teeth are falling out
Yes, I threw away my phone in case you'd ever call
I never leave my house in case I meet you at the mall
I never talk to my friends that you're friends with
Because I know they're gonna ask why we ended
Anything to do with you I keep it on the low
Used to wish that you would stay now Im wishin' you would go
So, I came up with a remedy I promise I would keep
In order to ignore you I'll just never fall asleep
I don't sleep 'cause when I do (when I do)
All I dream are dreams of you (they all of you)
And in yours you say your teeth are falling out, oh (yeah yeah)
I don't sleep 'cause when I do
All I dream are dreams of you
And in yours you say your teeth are falling out, oh yeah
I haven't slept in like a year, me fear keeps me awake
'Cause if I doze off I might see you face to face
I just turn on my tv and sit straight up on to my couch
'Cause when I doze off I hear the words from your mouth
Used to wake up uncontrollably crying like every time
Getting shivers, feeling sick, whenever you would cross my mind
So, I came up with a remedy I promise I would keep
In order to ignore you I just never fall asleep
I don't sleep 'cause when I do
All I dream are dreams of you
And in yours you say your teeth are falling out
Oh I don't sleep 'cause when I do
All I dream are dreams of you
And in yours you say your teeth are falling out, oh

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