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Meghan Trainor - Close Your Eyes

Close Your Eyes
: Close Your Eyes
: 3.42 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 116 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 71 İndirme
: 16-10-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Meghan Trainor - Close Your Eyes )
  1. Miw Mal

    2019 who still listen?

  2. More Dee Kai Vlogz

    Meghan:close your eyesSabrina:eyes wide open Me:chose one already... like if agree with"ME"| | | || |l l \/

  3. John Vincent Tiguelo

    I really miss this eraaa! 😥

  4. kevin buckingham

    Meghan trainor is absolutely stunning. I love this song I listen to it when I'm down it gives me hope...

  5. Tetashi Saya

    2019plssay yes

  6. Baek Ma Ri

    2019 in a mental breakdown? Just me? Okay...


    I'm here... just listening to the songs i used to listen to

    John Vincent Tiguelo

    @Jamie same

  7. Angel Alvarado

    Why would you hate this song?

  8. Guilherme Henrique games

    meghan trainor💜

  9. Wide Awake

    But I won’t be no fool

  10. X X

    Does no one listen to this anymore??

  11. Itziar _cc


  12. leb banana

    5 years later and I'm still waiting for a music video...

  13. Durval Fabiano Barbosa

    alem de ser linda tambem e super talentosa

  14. Tome XVIII

    Missing someone I can't say she's name :( :( because she didn't give it to me ;)

    Tome XVIII

    Anyway I miss Na*a

  15. Nineveh Cabigao

    Dear Meghan you see 2 years ago there was a mean girl called Layla she is the rudest person she once pushed my friend down the stairs, and cut my friend's school dress. She also but a stick on my nose She hurts me a lot I am super weak but anyway, your songs make me feel much better I feel inspired and I feel happy inside Thank you Ms Meghan I love you. ;)

  16. Tacocarracecat213312 Derp

    Dear Ms. Meghan trainor, thank you for your music. When i was 10, I would get bullied for listening to your music.but now I’m eleven and I still get bullied, but your music is making me feel better

  17. Valentina Carrazana

    I love your song Meghan😍💓💓 I' want a video

  18. Dmitri Shchukin

    Beacon beacon you are THUS Meghan

  19. abu talib empire

    I just close my eyes and feel this song and feeling so relax

  20. Alfonso Mex032

    Me encanta esta canción jejeje

  21. Lia panda

    Everyone at school is listening to shit and I'm over here like this song actually has a really good message and it's really good! It's so annoying everyone is obsessed with despicito. That song is stupid

  22. Rhianna Scheuerman

    This is the best song ever!This says so much true stuff!

  23. Taylah DIXON

    2018 anyone?

  24. Angel Morgado

    I don't know what to say, But when you guys listen to this, It almost makes you feel emotional.

    Jamie Spencer

    How do you know

    Angel Morgado

    @Jamie Spencer, It was the lyrics I heard, All over again

    Jamie Spencer

    @Angel Morgado oh ok sorry

  25. mom's world

    It sounds like Tennessee whiskey

  26. raelyn-de-flamingo

    MEGAIN TRAINOR can you train me? Lol

    Jamie Spencer


  27. The Winningest Duo

    I won’t be no fool

  28. Laetitia koo

    I listen to this song and it just changes my mood and i finally feel confident to show people who I truly am without caring about their judgement. Thank you Meghan Trainor!

  29. Rose Glynn

    (๑˙❥˙๑) (⌯͒⁍̩̩᷄ ɪ ⁍̩̩᷄ฅ͒). (。◕ˇ﹏ˇ◕。 ) í Ӏօѵҽ ԵհíՏ Տօ ʍմϲհ, í հօԹҽ Տհҽ ϲօʍҽՏ ҍɑϲƘ Եօ Տíղցíղց Տօօղ,Տհҽ'Տ ʍվ íժօӀ (*^_^*)(。>﹏<。)

  30. Dmitri Shchukin

    You are Вкусняка ! - the one - everybody wants a chance to bite you tenderly -- cause you are so damn good in rhythm and in some other lovely curves and pieces

  31. Jodi Mingle

    I want to react with a love ❤ not a like

  32. Melina Espinosa

    It is a beautiful song

  33. Music Lover

    Any males here? Well I am.

  34. Eva’s Squishes and More

    * Trainor

  35. Eva’s Squishes and More


  36. Eva’s Squishes and More

    people bully me for some one that I’m not I still get picked on but this song helps me thanks Meagan tranier like if it helped you to 😊

  37. Grosu Stefan


  38. la chaparrita esa soy yo


  39. Emily Colin

    Esta cancion yo la escuche como por el 2016 :3

  40. forever hope

    So pretty, Meghan. You truly are beautiful, inside and out.

  41. Antonio M. Basilides II

    I've been waiting for a music video of this since day one and still none. 😤

  42. Dmitri Shchukin

    Meghan - why on earth you are so lovely cohearent ? My hats are off - both of 'em. Charming human being you are -- keep your tail Up, carrot wise. Cheers darling. Beautiful music - thank you for sharing it

  43. Angela Herod

    I like her songs.

  44. Dan Van Kuren

    OMG she makes the best songs ever

  45. Hi There

    This song really does empower me.. but I sometimes feel like I’m alone. I feel like my friends aren’t there for me, that they only want me cus I’m smart or something. But this song helps a little, and I’m thankful for this song. It’s not like anyone out there really cares about me, some random person pouring their heart onto the internet. But whatever.

  46. Lisa Hegard


  47. Nissi Vitto


  48. jessica jleal713

    It's 2018 and this song still makes me feel good about myself.

  49. محمد عبد العال

    I love her so much she always makes me want to cry

  50. Bontika Ruth

    i love you meghan 😍😃

  51. Ms. Cats

    La amo me identifico 🎶🎶🎶🎶

  52. Tesa kania tesa

    You song good and meghan traninor beautiful # I love Meghan trainor

  53. Amanda Oliveira

    Que hino

  54. Tesa kania tesa

    Best singer ever!!!! #I love Meghan Trainor

  55. Camile Magalhães

    Oiii alguém do Brasil que ama a Meghan????

    Camile Magalhães

    Ou que me entende???😁😁😁

  56. Ms. Cats

    Love the song 💜

  57. Hugo Parra

    I seen all your songs

  58. AyoBro!


  59. Nicole Clay's World

    This song is amazing and this is what it means to be beautiful

  60. JOK€® ±

    Tennessee whiskey

  61. animal lover


  62. Joan Monzac

    this is absolutely beautiful

  63. damita williamson


  64. damita williamson


  65. ari gaming

    Anyone watching thing in 2017

  66. choeese

    still and will always be my favourite...

  67. Rhy A

    love this song it's the best

  68. Veronica Decena

    Meghan Trainor is my most favorite ever like????? This song????? and her other songs like empowering and lively i am in looooove

  69. Luu Aragão

    I like your voice!

  70. Luu Aragão

    Meghan, your voice is so sweet.

  71. Alex Moscoso

    Quisiera Saber si Meghan sacara video oficial de esta cancion!!! La letra es Hermosa pero mas hermoso seria un video oficial!!

  72. Alexa Price

    My sister basically called me fat. She's older than me by 5 years. I weigh 55-58 kilograms. She weighs less than me by 5 or 8 kilos.After she told me this I searched meghan trainor music.

  73. Ella's Dance Tutorials

    Meghan your music is beautiful and I am in love with it

  74. Brianna Lemon

    love megon

  75. Pornolatra Master

    eu gosto muito dos seos videos

  76. CrystalCupcakes12

    meghan trainor was telling you that you were beautiful before it was cool <3

  77. pradeep Kumar xplorer

    u sound like Thai dish to me

  78. Parent Therese

    I mean 11

  79. Parent Therese

    I'm only ten everyone says I'm good at singing but I wish I could sing with you just once and get your autograph

  80. Parent Therese

    Dear Meghan I love u I really really really really wish I could meet you

  81. Parent Therese

    Best fan ever knows every song !!!!!!!!!!!!

  82. Parent Therese

    I love Meghan

  83. Primavera dentro

    Like ❤

  84. Ashlyn Baxter

    Hi Megan I just want to say that your music helps me get over my stage fright and I just feel so connected with your song lyrics you just inspired me to do amazing things every day I just want to say thank you for being the musician you are

  85. LpsPuppy 101

    Wow I Love this song

  86. Leon Childs jr

    Girl, don't let bullies get the best of you, for what do they gain by doing this to you. You are special. As a guy, I know how it feels to be on the wrong end of people.

  87. chris leonard

    Hey guys Meghan Amazing

  88. Andrea Alfaro

    Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow this is the best song I have ever hear

  89. June Anselmo


  90. Julia Louise productions

    Close your eyes 👀 and everything will be OK laugh out loud

  91. Alexa Price

    Love this song, frankly I love all your songs❤

  92. Eric Tharaldson

    You need jesus

  93. María Agustina

    Meghan you're my angel i love you ♥

  94. Thái Khang Nguyễn

    i am very lives the of song

  95. MaRynne Robertson

    i love Meghan trainor. When I hear this song i cry and it makes me feel pretty. I had a really bad few years where I could not get out of drama because it was a one way friend ship so when school was over i would come home sit in my room and read a book listening to your songs then I would be fine. But, if i hadn't I would not be the happy person I am today. Thanks Meghan Ur fans love you just tellin u:) :) :)

  96. miarosie rose

    I know you will never change but Please never change♡♡I love the messages in your lyrics♡♡ you truly inspire!!♡ ILY

Close Your Eyes Şarkı Sözü
Everybody's on the same page
No new chapters
Will never change
Everybody wants to be cool
Yes they do
I'm just like them
But I won't be no fool
I guess I could waste all me time and my money
Just trying to look right
But it doesn't change who I am in my heart if I look like them
So I want you to close your eyes
Seem to the world tonight
And show them what's beautiful
I don't care what they think
No I'm not listening
'Cause I know I'm beautiful
So close your eyes
Show them what's beautiful, show them what's beautiful
Come and show them
Show them what's beautiful
Show them what's beautiful
Everybody's born to be different
That's the one thing that makes us the same
So don't let them hurt, try to change you
Don't let them make you into something you ain't
So I want you to close your eyes
Seem to the world tonight
And show them what's beautiful
I don't care what they think
No I'm not listening
'Cause I know I'm beautiful
So close your eyes
Show them what's beautiful
Show the world the you inside
Raise your voice and close your eyes
'Cause you're beautiful
Come on and show the world the you inside
Raise your voice and close your eyes
'Cause you're beautiful
So I want you to close your eyes
Seem to the world tonight
And show them what's beautiful
I don't care what they think
No I'm not listening
'Cause I know I'm beautiful
So close your eyes

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