mp3 indir dur

Ahzee - La Bamba

La Bamba
: La Bamba
: 3.18 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 63 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 49 İndirme
: 12-08-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ahzee - La Bamba )
La Bamba Şarkı Sözü
[Intro: ]


Dirty La Bamba

[Verse 1: ]

I like you in a red dress

Baby it's could you I don't know

[?] girl friends

With [?] in the throne

We can go all night

[?]left your man at home (at home)

[?] just me go

[Chorus: ]

You need [?]

[?] fire

You and your friends no dramas

Dancing to dirty La bamba


[?] higher

Moving to the beat like [?]

Dancing to dirty La bamba

[Drop: ]

Dirty La bamba

[Verse 2: ]

So girl what's you sleeping

[?] drinking

Baby I love when you get low

[?] fast and my [?] slow

So... Girl what's you thinking

[?]have you dripping

Dirty La bamba from me go

Tonight pool [?] some show

[Chorus 2: ]

You need [?]

[?] fire

You and your friend no dramas

Dancing to dirty La bamba


[?] higher

Moving to the beat like [?]

Dancing to dirty La bamba

[Bridge: ]

You need a night


Moving to the beat

Dancing to dirty La bamba

[Drop :]

Dirty La bamba

[Verse 3: ]

You drop me crazy baby

Dirty La bamba from me

[?]pretty lady

Dirty la bamba from me

I see that's [?]

Dirty La bamba from me

[?] crazy

Dancing to dirty La bamba

[Drop: ]

Dirty La bamba

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